Hi, I’m Elena Mikhailova — among the top 3 best children’s photographers in the world according to 35 AWARDS (International Photography Awards). I have more than 251 000 followers.
I have been working in professional photography for more than 10 years and teaching 6 years. I have taught more than 6,000 students worldwide.


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GREAT Photo Art Workshop
“My Artistic Processing from A to Z”
Duration 8 hours
Dear friends, I’m pleased to present to you the video of my big online master-class of artistic photo processing. It is a useful and completed course on artistic retouching!
During this master-class, you will learn the principles of artistic photo processing on the example of five completely different photos (shown on the poster). This algorithm will easily allow you to process any pictures in the same beautiful and artistic way. I will also share a detailed scheme of how to work in the Photoshop editor.
Firstly, we will be moving on to where to start and how to finish processing of your photos “From A to Z”. At the same time, you will learn how to perform the same technique in different ways, how to set up and write actions, and how to work with plug-ins. At the end of the class, you will have a comprehensive understanding of photo processing, and the scattered knowledge in this area will be systematized.
This Workshop is for you if:

Workshop program:
Click here
1. Conversion from RAW in Adobe Camera RAW. Qualitative basic correction.We will gradually go through all the tabs: basic, calibration, detail, effects, lens correction, HSL adjustments, split toning.This will show what artistic tricks we can use when developing a RAW file.
- Correct cropping and transformation of a photograph. Frames merging.
- Work with plasticity of faces and bodies. Correction of defects. Nuances of work.
- Work with backgrounds. Deleting extraneous content. Different types of blurring.
- Retouching skin. Skin fast processing (multiple options). Peculiarities of child and adult retouching.
- Work with a skin tone (few options). Skin tone equalization.
- Methods of adding contrast (few options).
- Draw a light and shade pattern (few methods).
- Work with the overall color scheme of a photograph (few options).
- How to get lush, clean colors.
- Work with plug-ins. Helper filters that I use. Explore their settings.
- Actions: learning about recording and setting the basic ones. Hot keys for easy work.
- Enhance artistry, volume, and space in a photo. Make your picture look more airy.
- How to reduce noise in a photo (multiple ways).
- Sharpening (multiple ways).
- Blending modes. Working with layers and masks.
- Work in curves.
- Matt toning. When is it appropriate?
- My secrets and “tricks” that greatly speed up the processing.
- Preparation for printing.
- Preparation for posting on the Internet.
- Complete scheme of photo processing.
The programs in which the training will take place: Adobe Camera RAW; Adobe Photoshop.

Lesson “Backlighting retouch”
This is a lesson on how to process a backlight photo. I purposely took a bad photo to show you how to edit a photo with problems.

The lesson “Skin Tone”
Many people have noticed that the skin in their photos often takes on unwanted shades of grey, green and red. In this lesson. I will tell you how you can make your skin tone more attractive if your skin tone is red, yellow or green already at the development stage in Camera Raw/ Lightroom…

Lesson “The harmony of a perfect photo”
The Guide All Secrets by Elena Mikhailova “Artistic photography through my eyes” (158 PAGE)
In this guide I have collected all the secrets accumulated over many years of work and it contains everything I use in practice; there is nothing superfluous!

Programme of the lesson by Elena Mikhailova
Click here to open
1. All about preparation before a photo shoot;
2. Selecting suitable clothing in terms of colour (using autumn colours as an example);
3. Analysis of the colour circle;
4. Choice of colours according to location;
5. Choice of clothing colours and textures. Where to find suitable clothes? Mistakes in clothing selection;
6. Props (a list with several examples will be given);
7. Location — how to choose the ideal one;
8. Backlighting photos;
9. Working with additional light sources — artificial light.
10. Concept of volume and composition in photography. Creating a 3D effect in the photo;
11. Secrets of choosing the most beautiful places to shoot;
12. Choosing the best technique to use;
13. How to create volume, airiness and dynamism in a photo during the shooting phase;
14. How to achieve vivid and natural emotions in the photo;
15. Setting up the camera and working mode. Select shooting options that facilitate post-production;
16. What is preparation for the shoot? From general idea to specific choices;
17. Sources of inspiration for the photographer, where and how to find inspiration. Tips for research;
18. Pose

More than 1 900 textures and overlays (snow, autumn leaves, flower petals, bokeh of multicolored night lights, soap bubbles, balloons).

Actions by Elena Mikhailova


In which language is the course?
Is the course live or recorded?
Recorded video. Once downloaded, you can watch it as many times as you like.
Is the course only for a limited time?
No, you will always have access to the course.
Is the course suitable for beginners?
Yes, I am explaining in a simple way.
Why is the course useful for professionals?
I share my unique photographic technique. You are going to grow by increasing the price of your services and become more famous.
Is it possible to ask questions after the course?
Yes, contact us on WhatsApp +393270027182